Monday, April 21, 2008

Ottawa Wins Intermediate A Division at OCSHIP Sledge Hockey Challenge

My son and I (and our wonderful team!) won the Intermediate A division of the OCSHIP Sledge Hockey Challenge 2008. Our team dominated and our goalie Angelo racked up 4 consecutive shutouts. Jeremy played defense in the preliminaries and forward in the final. It was the opposite for myself. While we all played skillfully there was a certain amount of "puck luck" with Logan shooting from behind the net hit the tops of the goalies feet and scoring and Pete hitting Jeremy's helmet and deflecting in. Special thanks to Kerry for his excellent coaching!

My parents came down for my birthday (49 for the first time). This was the first time they have seen sledge hockey being played and they took some great pictures. There is a slide show on the right and if you click on it it will take you to a version with larger pictures.
PS. A few more to come. Some nice ones of Kerry instructing the troupes between periods, in particular.

P.S.S. If anyone has additional pictures of any of the Tournament, I'd be happy to post them or link to them :)

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